This from the kid who says he's just celebrating white culture in with his group. Except I'm white and I sure as hell don't celebrate the Confederacy as some fight against terrorism. That's a political point of view, and one that relies on some serious lies, or at least delusion.
Let's review. In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the United States. In 1861 the states south of Maryland decideded they didn't like the result of that free and fair election and decided to leave the Union. They left to preserve their agrarian way of life, as they argued at least. Of course, that agrarian way of life was dependent on slave labor and all the slaves were from a single ethnic group by that point - African decendants.
Once the south lost the war, that flag, which was a battle flag and not the official flag of the Confederacy, was adopted by the Ku Klux Klan as its banner in terrorizing black Americans to keep them from exercising their rights as free citizens. Lynchings, beatings, and whatever else the KKK wanted to use to intimidate blacks, and any whites who sympathized, were employed to terrorize people and keep them subjugated.
So this tool, whose name is Matthew Heimbach, is proclaiming that his messages of White Pride and White Power are merely expressions of ethnic pride, but is sporting a shirt that makes the bold lie that the Stars and Bars is a symbol of anti-terrorism. Instead, the history of that banner is its use as the symbol for the largest and most influential terrorist organization in the history of the US. 

Youth for Western Civilization is obviously a client of myfacts.org. It's a sad state of affairs when the most accurate and trenchant reporting on the malicious attacks on President Obama come from a comic strip. Then again, I suppose it's just the tradition of the court jester in action.
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