I live in a fairly affluent area, or at least among those who think they are affluent. I'm not among them, but I got here first. Anyway, there are plenty of luxury cars in northwest Baltimore County, so I see lots of them on the road.

Is there something in the owner's manual that says if you buy a luxury brand you should not use turn signals? Do the cars, at all that expense, not come with turn signals? No single vehicle segment is more easily predicted than that a luxury vehicle driver will not use a turn signal.
This is especially so of German luxury vehicles, with Mercedes being more so than BMW. It's a constant presence around here. If you see a Mercedes, you can count on the driver not using turn signals. I suppose the sense of entitlement just says "I don't have to tell anyone my intentions, safety be damned."

The only exception I know is my boss. She has a Mercedes and uses turn signals reliably, those few times I've been driving around somewhere the same time she is. But she's apparently violating some kind of code that only the luxury vehicle owners are privy to.
Just sayin'.
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