Why is the citizenship test for non native borns to the US being used as a political tool of indoctrination to Know Nothing thinking? You think I kid?
Here's a link to a sample of the citizenship test. Citizenship sample questions.
The answer the adminstrators give to the question of what was the cause of the American Revolution: high taxes. Bullshit.
The cause of the American Revolution, so far as taxes are concerned, was not high taxes. The issue was that the taxes were imposed by Parliament and King George on the colonies without any say by the colonies. The colonies had no representatives in Parliament; therefore, they were without voice in the matter. The taxes were imposed to help defray the cost of the French and Indian War, which had been fought to the benefit of the colonists, so the mother land had a legitimate argument that the colonies should help pay for the war. Some colonists were willing to pay the taxes even without a voice, too.
The answer given by the government is entirely without historical merit and reflects a Know Nothing thinking that says all taxes are bad. That's one of the main idiocies of the Tea Party movement. They object to taxes under the banner of the Boston Tea Party. The Boston Tea Party was about taxes imposed without representation. Taxes by the federal government are the results of votes by a Congress and President who are all elected. They may be idiots, but we elected them to be our representatives.
The Know Nothings are really a petulant, childish movement. They want to keep everything and not share and have temper tantrum when they don't get their way. That and they're afraid of that which they do not know, particularly people from other countries or cultures. Wah, wah, wah.
It's not Constitutional but I wouldn't mind a citizenship test for everyone before they could vote. The problem would be making it a test of substance that was non-partisan. Ah, meritocracy. Would that you were feasible.
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