Monday, April 9, 2012

Porn is Funny

It's been several years since I bothered to see a porn video. Being sedentary like most Americans, I went on line for it. No need to leave the comfort of home these days.

Now, when I was a teen, if you wanted to see porn, you had to get a movie rental some way. Or someone may have bought one. In any case, it was a professionally produced work with paid actors, terrible scripts, and, as a rule, goofy plots. I gather from the occasional review by Chris Sims of the ISB that those sorts of porn videos are still made.

Most of what you'll find on line now is not that. Oh, the people are paid, I'm sure. The girls probably get a fee. The guys might get a fee or might be producing the things and getting a cut from any profit. Whatever the case, there's no attempt at any story or script. Why spend money on something like that where you might have to pay someone?

No, this stuff is just filmed in some residence with a guy behind the camera talking to the dull eyed girl, ostensibly saying something sexy. Mostly both are going through the motions.

This particular video involved something I'll not be doing. Much as I love my wife's ass, I'm not about to get in there with my tongue. There was quite a bit of that by the guy involved, and before that, the girl was licking his finger after it had been inserted. Not health conscious.

But the funny. Oh, the funny. The featured performers in the video are going through their motions but in the background is heard, at length, another girl in the throes of her sexual encounter. She's much more audible than the girl and guy we're looking at. And when she's done, she's having a conversation with whatever guy was putting it to her or filming it and can be heard much more clearly than the two we see.

Obviously, our big spenders have brought at least two girls to this space and couldn't bother to have them in separate rooms, or if they're in separate rooms, to close the door. It's one of those sort of videos that's meant to appear amateur, something posted by people just posting it for the enjoyment they had in making it. Of course, the fact that our stars appear to have never met prior to engaging in sex belies that to some extent. But with the screamer in the background we're well past amateur and well into amateurish.

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